What is Evoped®?

Evoped®, in German also called Evolutionsopädagogik®, is a tool which touches us beyond our mind consciousness and has an enormous effect on the development of our children. This pedagogic modell gives parents a tool with which they can playfully influence the climate within the family. The children develop healthily and friction due to puzzling, nerve-wracking or worrying behaviour becomes a thing of the past. Growing together becomes rich and satisfying.

Let’s go soon a bit deeper into the subject

In the meantime, find out more on the official website of Evoped®  here.

Barbara Arvanitis

Als Mentorin und Begleiterin von Frauen und Kindern kombiniert Barbara 30 Jahre Erfahrung in Pädagogik, Psychologie und spiritueller Entwicklung. Ihr Schatz an Fähigkeiten und ihre liebevolle Präsenz unterstützen Menschen dabei, Blockierendes zu verändern und Harmonie in sich zu finden.


Back to the wilderness and originality of our own path


About Human Design and how it connects us with more of our true selves